Mar 19, 2012 | All, Real Estate, Storefront Initiative
Vacant storefront displays to showcase artists in Five Points Hyperform Design Co-Op, Keos Marketing Group to transform Denver neighborhood’s storefronts with architecture and art Posted: 03/06/2012 06:52:06 AM MST Updated: 03/06/2012 06:52:06 AM MST Author:...
Apr 20, 2011 | All, Colorado Marketing, Denver Marketing, Downtown Denver, Real Estate, Real Estate Development, Storefront Initiative
“Denver the beautiful, blest be her name. Hearts of her subjects with pride are aflame. Crowned with bright glory that never can wane. Denver the Queen of the Mountain and Plain” – Denver Municipal Facts, 1910 The storefront initiative began as a vision by...
Aug 12, 2010 | All, Colorado Marketing, Denver Marketing, Downtown Denver, Storefront Initiative
Keos Marketing Group partnered with Hyper Form Co-Op, Crystal Hatch, Denver Theatre District and the Biennial of the Americas to create and display artwork in the vacant windows of Downtown Denver. The artwork was inspired by the Biennial of the Americas to beautify...