Oct 13, 2010 | All, B. Hopkins, Internet Business Strategies, Internet Marketing, Internet Radio, Marketing, Radio Show, Search Engines: Optimization (SEO), Search Engines: Pay Per Click (PPC), Social Media Marketing, Social Networking, Word of Mouth Marketing
On 10/13 at 1pm MT, Keo Frazier, Principal of Keos Marketing Group was a guest on the Internet Business Strategies Show by B. Hopkins. On this episode of the show Keo discussed online marketing strategies. You can access the show through the Internet at...
Apr 26, 2010 | All, Colorado Marketing, Denver Marketing, Email Marketing, Event Marketing, Internet Marketing, Lead Generation, Marketing, search engine marketing, Social Media Marketing, Social Networking, Word of Mouth Marketing
Marketing your business is the one thing that you must continue to do regardless of the economy. Here is an exercise for you to think about how you can market your company through resources you already have and use. 1. How much is a business lead worth in a dollar...
Oct 28, 2009 | All, Housing, Housing Colorado, Internet Marketing, Marketing, Real Estate, Search Engine Marketing and Election, Search Engines: Optimization (SEO), Search Engines: Pay Per Click (PPC), Social Media Marketing
Internet marketing is no longer a foreign concept to many people. However, there are still a lot of people who have heard the term but are not sure what the term includes and more importantly, what the term means for their marketing efforts. This was the case at the...
Jul 16, 2009 | Lead Generation, Marketing, Recession, Social Media Marketing, Social Networking, Word of Mouth Marketing
In our current economy people are more scrupulous and frugal than we have experienced since the Great Depression. If you think that your current clients and current colleagues are holding on to their wallets and clinching their pocket books more so than before then...
Apr 6, 2009 | All, Email Marketing, Event Marketing, Lead Generation, Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Word of Mouth Marketing
Technology not only makes our lives easier but it also connects us to the entire world. We can communicate with everyone from Rihanna to Barack Obama to Bono to Tony Blair via word of mouth marketing, also coined social media marketing. Everyone is doing it! – from...
Feb 4, 2009 | All, Colorado Marketing, Denver Marketing, Development, Economy, Marketing, Real Estate, Real Estate Development, Recession, Urban Land Institute (ULI)
The age old adage that business is not personal bodes well during exuberant economic times – when our pockets are full and our holiday parties are lavish. However, in tight economic times the personal side of business becomes more for front. When business gets...