Keos Marketing Group Top 50 Online Marketing Tools

When 2010 closed we had high hopes for the first quarter of 2011. Below is a list of articles that inspired us at the end of 2010 for the beginning of 2011. We hope this list is a resource and a source of inspiration for you and your business too! 1.       2011 Online...

Solutions To Your Resolutions

Since we posted this blog in January we had such a huge response that we are posting it again. . . Congratulate us on our successes by the first day of Spring, 3/20/2011, and receive a 45-minute complimentary service to begin building your own successes. 877-KEOS-LLC...

Solutions to your Resolutions

How does Keos Marketing Group do SEO? For Forest City Stapleton Keos Marketing Group increased the website traffic by 3,000 new visitors in the first month of search engine optimization. During the course of SEO in 2010 the website traffic of first time visitors...

Keos Marketing Group on the Internet Business Strategies Radio Show

On 10/13 at 1pm MT, Keo Frazier, Principal of Keos Marketing Group was a guest on the Internet Business Strategies Show by B. Hopkins. On this episode of the show Keo discussed online marketing strategies. You can access the show through the Internet at...